venerdì 28 marzo 2014

Last minute preparations

“One city is not enough” – Young people in action: locally & globally
Here we are at the Maripolis Centre in Castel Gandolfo, carrying out the last minute preparations. Young people are arriving from various parts of the world. Jason came all the way from the hot climate in Mumbai, India wearing a T-Shirt even though this evening’s temperature is around 10°C. A whole bunch of young people belonging to different nationalities came from Loppiano, others from Austria, and so on….
Today’s morning programme is as follows:
Welcome: Icebreaker game
Introduction Theme: “One city…” - Today’s world on a local level
Reflection: Chiara Lubich’s “One city is not enough”
Experiences from the world - Argentina, Brazil, Austria, Algeria
Workshop: “Instruments for Team Work”
·         Useful instruments for group building
·         Relationships and group dynamics
·         Who are the Y4UW animators

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