domenica 20 aprile 2014

Also Today I have Loved

I have the impression that time is passing by very quickly and in the depth I feel of my heart I can resign myself to this as long as it is all love. As long as, at the eve of each day, I can say to myself: “Also today I have loved.”
On this Easter that reminds us of how Jesus, after dying, was resurrected, and how we too will one day rise up with our bodies, I would like that all of you would live so that each evening you can say: Also today I have loved.
We do not know how long our life will last, however, how bitter it would be to draw closer to death with only a few days lived in love. How regretful! We would remorsefully say: “I could have loved but I didn’t do it.”

So Easter reminds us that every day must be a resurrection: always up, always ready to love whoever we meet without analysing whether we like them or not. Love, love, love without ever getting tired of loving. We should never stop our revolution.
This will give us great joy and will make us savour the Easter Celebration because it is the Celebration of the Alleluia.
Just as the Apostles and the early Christians went out to tell everyone that “Christ is risen” (and so that we will also rise), similarly also we should also tell those whom we know that we have spiritually resurrected from a life without meaning to a life full of light and fire.

Chiara Lubich, 1975

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