sabato 19 marzo 2011

One BIG DAY for Focolare Philippines

On Sunday, March 13, we had the opportunity to participate on the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the focolare movement in the Philippines, hold at Nonoy Aquino Stadium in Manila. Together were celebrated the 3rd death anniversary of the foundress of the focolare movement, Chiara Lubich, and the beatification of the first member of the focolare movement, Chiara Luce, who died at young age of cancer, after embracing a long sickness with profound love for Jesus forsaken.
The event was a very joyful moment, where the fruits of 45 years were presented. It started with a greeting from two representatives of the focolare main center in Italy, and the reading of a letter from one of the first focolare members who came for the mission in the Philippines, almost half a century ago. Some of the older focolare members of the Philippines shared about the impact of the testimony of life of those first focolare missionaries in their lives, through their love, service and smiles.
Then, many different experiences where presented, and many people from the most different walks of life shared their experiences. Families, children, old people, owners of companies, social workers and other people who somehow are in touch with the life of the focolare movement, trying to live the legacy of Chiara Lubich, her charisma of Unity. A very special moment was the sharing of some Muslim friends on the fruits of inter-religious dialog.
We also heard about the experiences of the different social arms of the focolare movement, the Bukas Palad Social Center, the Focolare Carpentry Training Center, the Sinag Hospital foundation…
Very interesting was also the presentation of the movement Unity in Politics, with the provoking question: “Can a politician can become a saint?” And many deep answers on how the charisma of unity can be lived very concretely in the area of politics.
Some 4,000 people from all over the Philippines attended the celebration, and among them, we could experience the spirituality of love and unity of Chiara Lubich very much alive, through their openness, welcoming, their smiles and their simple and catching happiness. The lunch break, where everybody shared their pack lunches inside the stadium was a moment of a real big family.
Some of our Ex (those who finished their one year rehabilitation program) also attended, and it was very much important for them to see, how the life, that we try to live and to teach at Fazenda is lived by people in very different situations around the country.
We were also very happy to meet a lot of old friends again, some of whom have visited us at Fazenda before, and some of whom we met in different occasions or focolare gatherings.
In the afternoon, we heard more about the life of Chiara Lubich, and the impact of her charisma in church and society. A very moving moment was watch the film of a focolare meeting, where the late Pope John Paul II attended, and where he shared: “Sometimes, when I am sad, I remember the focolare – and I become happy.” What a wonderful testimony of such a special man!
Also the life of Chiara Luce was presented in a very touching way, the young Italian girl, who embraced her sickness with great love for Jesus forsaken, saying that: “If You want it, I want it, too.” And giving the people who met her a living example of love and faith, that is very much alive until today.
The meeting was closed with a solemn mass, celebrated by countless priests, and eight bishops and archbishops, presided by the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams.
Everybody left with a joyful heart, we really have to thank God for the grace of the Life of Chiara Lubich, and her charisma, that inspired the blessed Chiara Luce to a life in holiness, and that should lead all of us also on the road to God.

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