mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013

Facing up the economic crisis

In Assisi, Pope Francis answers to a questions on work an mission
Danilo Zampolini (Spoleto-Norcia) and David Girolami (Foligno) asks a question regarding work:
The general economic crisis of these last years has also caused situations of hardship and poverty in Umbria (Italy). The future appears uncertain and menacing. The risk is also to lose hope, together with economic security. How should a young Christian look at the future? What path should we choose to build a society worthy of God and worthy of man?
Luca Nassuato (Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino), Mirko Pierli (Citta di Castello) and Petra Sannipoli (Gubbio)
It’s lovely to be here together with you and to hear your words which encourage us and warm our heart. The Year of Faith, which will end in a few weeks, proposed to all believers again the urgency of the proclamation of the Good News. We also want to take part in this exciting adventure. But how? What can our contribution be? What must we do?
Pope Francis: “Here at Assisi there is no need for words! Francis is here, Clare is here, they speak! Their charism continues to speak to so many young people in the whole world: young men and young women who leave everything to follow Jesus on the way of the Gospel.
So, Gospel. I would like to take up the word “Gospel” to answer the other two questions that you asked me, the second and the fourth. One is about the social commitment, in this period of crisis that menaces hope; and the other is about evangelization, taking Jesus’ proclamation to others. You asked me: what can we do? What can be our contribution?
Here at Assisi, here close to the Porciuncula, I seem to hear Saint Francis’ voice that repeats: “Gospel, Gospel!” He says it also to me, in fact, first to me: Pope Francis, be the servant of the Gospel! If I don’t succeed in being a servant of the Gospel, my life isn’t worth anything!
But the Gospel, dear friends, is not just about religion, it’s about man, the whole man, it’s about the world, society, human civilization. The Gospel is God’s message of salvation for humanity. However, when we say “message of salvation,” it’s not a way of saying things, they are not simple words or empty words of which there are so many today! Humanity is truly in need of being saved! We see it every day when we glance through the newspaper, or listen to the news on television; but we also see it around us, in persons, in situations; and we see it in ourselves! Every one of us is in need of salvation! We can’t do it alone! We are in need of salvation! Salvation from what? From evil, evil operates, it does its work. But evil isn’t invincible and the Christian is not resigned in face of evil. And you, young people, do you want to be resigned in face of evil, of injustices, of difficulties? Do you or don’t you? [The young people answered: No!] Ah, good. This pleases me! Our secret is that God is greater than evil: this is true! God is greater than evil. God is infinite love, limitless mercy. And this Love has defeated evil at the root in the Death and Resurrection of Christ. This is the Gospel, the Good News; God’s love has conquered! Christ died on the cross for our sins and he rose. We can fight against evil and conquer it with Him every day. Do we believe this or not? [Yes! The young people answered]. But this “yes” must be in our lives! If I believe that Jesus has conquered evil and saves me, I must follow Jesus, I must follow Jesus’ way my whole life.

Now this Gospel, this message of salvation, has two destinations that are linked: the first, to awaken faith and this is evangelization; the second, to transform the world according to God’s plan, and this is the Christian animation of society. But they aren’t two separate things, they are one mission: to take the Gospel with the witness of our life transforms the world! This is the way: to take the Gospel with the witness of our life.
Let us look at Francis: he did both these things, with the sole force of the Gospel. Francis brought faith to grow, he renewed the Church and, at the same time, he renewed society, he made it more fraternal, but always with the Gospel, with his witness. You know what Francis said once to his Brothers? “Always preach the Gospel and if it’s necessary, use words!” But how? Can the Gospel be preached without words? Yes! With witness! First witness, then words! But witness!

Young people of Umbria: do this also! Today, in the name of Francis, I say to you: I don’t have gold or silver to give you, but something much more precious, the Gospel of Jesus. Go with courage! With the Gospel in your heart and in your hands; be witnesses of the faith with your life: take Christ to your homes, proclaim him among your friends, welcome him and serve him in the poor. Young people, give Umbria a message of life, of peace and of hope! You can do it!

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